ARS Magazine

The magazine Ars, produced by the Department of Visual Arts at the University of São Paulo, gathers critical texts and art history teachers, students, artists and collaborators. Since there is a trade magazine, it becomes a great space for debates and relfexões. It is worth knowing.
For convenience, the USP offers all the content of the magazine online, allowing you to download the PDF texts.
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The text below explains the purpose and who participates in the production of the magazine. The interesting thing is that anyone can collaborate with the publication, by sending a text within the parameters required, and if accepted by the publishers text is published.
Worth a try!
The magazine Ars brings together works of art relevant to the debate, produced in academia or elsewhere. Arises from the fact that within the university such discussion tends to remain dammed in everyday classrooms or confined to asperities technical university discourse and, beyond, the subordinate themselves to the rarefied space of the publications of museums and galleries, when not to interest – and epidermal always provisional – Speaker cultural media. The publication aims to act thus in the situation of deep atomization of discussion about art in the country, and urges that the issues surrounding a school of art should not be restricted to the academic environment, but mobilizing the cultural debate beyond the university walls and interrogate their own perspectives of art in the contemporary context.
Proposes an expanded focus on addressing the visual arts, as, moreover, the demands made by the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary artistic production. Theoretical values in the area, while the contribution of older disciplines such as philosophy, aesthetics and art history, especially considering the low academic tradition of Brazilian art schools and need to improve theoretical positions with solid references intellectual tradition knowledge, even though it’s often confront or point out the limits of that tradition in the face of the challenges of the contemporary situation.
Ars has an interest in publishing, alongside the work of artists, critics / art historians and graduate students in the Department of Fine Arts, collaborations with artists, intellectuals and other professionals in the arts, in a context such as a magazine noncommercial favorable to experimentation and theoretical research specialist. The publication reflects the diversity of the areas of the Department of Visual Arts – Multimedia, painting, sculpture, printmaking, theory, history and criticism of art, in studies related to licenciatrura – and the multiplicity of experiences professionals quedro your teacher. Warmly, as well as a productive aspect, the possible lack of unity in the trends of thought that expressa.A expectation is that the field of ecumenical discussion, formulation of problems, can be conducive to a healthy extoversão of cultural positions, the greater fluidity in the exchange of ideas.
As academic initiative, born in art school opens, finally, the discussion of the problem of training, not just those students who wish to become artists, teachers, educators or theoretical, but also the formation of an experience creation and reflection, able to promote the formation of views emancipated in the globalized environment of contemporary culture. The editorial board of Ars thanks to the generosity of several authors who were willing to cede work for this publication.
Obras em Destaque
The Editors
Prof. Dr. Prado Gilbertto
Prof. Dr. Marco Giannotti
Professor. Dr. Sonia Salsztein
Editorial Board
Alckmar Luiz dos Santos (UFSC), Anna Teresa Fabris, Antoni Muntadas (Visual Arts Program – MIT), Arlindo Machado, Carlos Fajardo, Carlos Zilio (UFRJ), Eduardo Kac (Art Institute of Chicago), Emilio Martinez (Bellas Artes – Univ . Politecnica Valencia), François Soulages (Univ. Paris VIII), Ismail Xavier, Karen O’Rourke (Univ. Paris I), Beatriz Maria de Medeiros (UNB), Mario Costa (Univ. Salerno), Milton Sogabe (UNESP) Regina Silveira, Robert Kudielka (Univ. der Künste Berlin), Rodrigo Duarte (UFMG), Sandra Rey (UFRGS), Suzete Venturelli (UNB), Tadeu Chiarelli Walter Zanini.
To contact write to:
School of Communications and Arts – USP
Dept. Visual Arts / ARS
Av. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 443
05508-900 – São Paulo – SP
Phone (11) 3091-4084 or 4096
email: [email protected]
Instructions to Employees
Those interested in collaborating in the journal Ars must send their works on diskette or CD-ROM, accompanied by hard copy, typed in Microsoft Word editor and saved in ‘RTF’ (rich text format) to the Editorial Board of the journal: Department of Fine Arts, School of Communication and Arts, Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 443, Cidade Universitária 05508-900 – São Paulo – SP.
The texts should be at most 25 pages or approximately 62,500 characters, and be accompanied by an abstract of up to 100 words and a cast of keywords, both in Portuguese and English;
Footnotes and references should conform to academic standards of bibliographic citation, it is recommended that the notes do not exceed three lines, and are inserted at the end of each page;
It is recommended that authors hailing the illustrations that want to include in their texts, these must fit the format 17 x 24 cm with 300 dpi;
Reviews (books, exhibitions or other works) must accompany the completed sheet object resenhado;
Entries must be accompanied by credit academic and / or professional summary, identifying the authors;
The works will be submitted to the Editorial Board of Ars and / or external peer reviewers (whose evaluation is confidential), being accepted, rejected, or returned with suggestions for authors who may resubmit them.
Assistants and Final Art
Yukie Hori
Ana Luiza Dias Batista
Liliane Benetti
Web Version
Andrei Thomaz
Claudio Bueno
William Minoti
Tatiana Travisani
ISSN: 1678-5320